ESPN's highest rated metered markets in 2012
T-15 Richmond: 2.3
T-17 Norfolk: 2.2
TV Ratings For 2012 Regular Season College Football Games
2.8 (4.3M) VT-GT
2.9 T-6 10/19 VT-Clemson
1.3 (1.9M) VT-Miami
1.7 (2.7M) VT-FSU
0.3 (415K) 5th lowest 11/24 VT-UVa
It's worth browsing the entire list to get a better idea of the ratings distribution.
Top 100 Television Markets
9. Washington, DC
43. Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News
58. Richmond-Petersburg
67. Roanoke-Lynchburg
My 5-second analysis, VT draws and their local markets are interested in football.