UNC officially received Notice of Allegations from NCAA

UNC-Chapel Hill announces receiving NCAA notice of allegations

Statement from UNC:

"We take these allegations very seriously, and we will carefully evaluate them to respond within the NCAA's 90-day deadline. The University will publicly release the NCAA's notice as soon as possible. The notice is lengthy and must be prepared for public dissemination to ensure we protect privacy rights as required by federal and state law. When that review for redactions is complete, the University will post the notice on the Carolina Commitment website and notify the news media. When we respond to the NCAA's allegations, we will follow this same release process. Consistent with NCAA protocols, the University cannot comment on details of the investigation until it is completed."

No information about what was said in the Notice has been leaked at this point. More details TBD.

UPDATE: UNC is currently reviewing its 3rd NCAA Notice of Allegations it has received in the past 5 years. School is expected to make the document public by the end of the day today.

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VT athletics in 2024: "People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad."

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Tweedy can run like a dadgum antelope or whatever. I like to use scalded dog. Do antelopes lumber? Cheetah, OK. He runs like a cheetah. He's fast. - Bud Foster

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