"Bowl"Rensics: Annapolis and the Military Bowl

TheFifthFuller's inside look at Annapolis and the Military Bowl.

Hello. Welcome to a special bowl edition of "Foe"Rensics! As you may know, at the end of a college football season warm weather cities1 in the United States2 that people like to visit3 host special "bowl" games in attempt to "promote tourism"4 and "extort universities for the cost of thousands of tickets they won't be able to sell because your bowl is in Mobile, Alabama"5. The great news is your Virginia Tech Hokies were lucky enough to score one of these highly sought after invitations to a bowl!

Not that kind of bowl

1. Huzzah! Which warm weather locale that people like to visit are we heading to?

A. None of them! We're going to Annapolis, Maryland! It's a "city", but not a real one. It's like a college town, only smaller and the college is a military academy, so...

2. Oh. Well. At least we're not going to Detroit!

A. THAT'S the spirit!

3. Before you dive in, how about you fill us in on how the battle for the Commonwealth Cone of Shame went?

A. I must confess, my friends. My heart held such trepidation before the pillowfight for the Commonwealth Cup. I had so much fear our Decade of Domination would come to an end. A great kicker. A great defense, almost unparalleled on third downs. An offense that seemed to be able to do just enough to make their defensive dominance count. But then I remembered they were coached by Mike London, and HAHAHA, why were we ever worried? Good news is, Fuzzy the Hoo gets to wear this next year:

He does not like the Commonwealth Cone of Shame

4. His oddly emotionless face disturbs me.

A. Me as well. No matter, we won't have to see them until next season; Mike London understands how important it is to a Jefferson acolyte to spend the holidays with their families, and always finds a way to make sure they can be home resting up to sing their stupid song on New Year's.

5. So, Annapolis, you say? Tell me about it.

A. Annapolis was originally founded in 1649 by the exiled Russian noble, Count Alexei Karenin. Though the area had been occupied for some time by poor fisherman who had named it "Salty Mud Swamp" for the vast amounts of brackish sludge that passed for ground in the area, Karenin turned all the fishermen into his serfs and founded an actual town. He named it "Alexandrovichgrad" after his father and it kept with the Russian tradition of giving things unnecessarily long-ass names. In later years, after finding out that his wife, Anna, had been creeping on him with one of the serf fishermen, Alexei ordered her captured and hung, but Anna escaped to Virginia with the help of the serf fishermen, who resented Alexei's heavy handed rule. In a fit of anger, Alexei killed all of the Annas in the town and surrounding area and banned the name from being spoken or used as a name.

After Alexei died, his son Sergei became the mayor and asked his mother to return. He renamed the town Annapolis in her honor and to get back at his dad, who he didn't like because Alexei constantly mocked his poetry. The town population never really took off, though it was briefly made the capital of the United States in 1783 in a desperate attempt to get the government OUT of New Jersey. However, after only seven months, they realized the Karenins, who still ruled the town, had totally been lying about it being a city (only the extended family, 34 serfs, and the dude that ran the distillery actually lived there) and fled back to New Jersey.

Though it is nominally the capital of Maryland, the governor and executive offices are all in Baltimore because there's no decent Chinese delivery in Annapolis. Today, though the town claims a population of 38,000, only approximately 300 people live there. For some time, the city government has been vastly inflating their population numbers by claiming every person in the United States named "Anna" as a resident.

6. Oh. That's kind of weird.

A. Yep. If you go, pretty much everything you see that isn't plastered with U.S. Navy insignia will have either a boat theme or dollar signs, because everyone who lives there has lots of both.

7. So is the Naval Academy why they play the Military Bowl there?

A. No. They started playing the Military Bowl in Washington, D.C., which is the capital of the United Stated of America. The bowl has only been around since 2008, and was originally conceived of by Northrop Grumman, an enterprising defense contractor, as an actual, gladiatorial style battle where they could showcase their latest weapons developments to boost Christmas sales while destroying dilapidated RFK Stadium at the same time.

An artist's rendering of the original concept of the event

8. Oh MAN, that would have been fun!

A. Probably. In addition, the first 1,000 fans through the gates would have received an Official Military Bowl Iron Man suit.

Unfortunately, it turns out that firing off missiles and detonating explosives in the nation's capital is frowned upon, so they decided to play football instead. After a few years, the Racoon King of RFK led an uprising of the larger rodents that reside there and chased the bowl committee out of the venue. Since no one with their sanity intact wants to be involved with him, they drove right by Dan Snyder's Theatre of Where Hokie Dreams Go To Die on their way out to Annapolis.

That's not Snyder. Way too tall.


A. Yup. Previously, the Military Bowl has hosted some pretty storied programs, including Toledo, San Jose State and everyone's favorite Big East AAC foe, the Fightin' Owls of Temple! We are truly following in some hallowed footsteps here.

10. Wow, thanks for bringing THEM up. On that note, how have the Hokies fared in good ol' Naptown?

A. Since 1916, we've NEVER lost a game in Annapolis.

11. Why do I feel like you're leaving something out.

A. Okay, so we've only played once there since 1916. And, I guess if you're going to count ALL TIME, we lost seven straight games at Navy from 1904 to 1915, including five shutouts (we scored a combined 10 points in the other two). Though we did win the first time we played there, so we're 2-7 all time! Hurray!

12. Any Fullers on the Bowl Committee?

A. No. Which is idiotic; you've got Vincent Fuller, Sr AND Nina RIGHT DOWN THE ROAD.

No, instead they've got Brig Owens, who despite that being his awesome name and not his abbreviated rank, played college football for Cincinnati. Our opponent. Also, they include Christopher Harrison, who played football for UVA. I'd be extremely concerned about undue influence on the officials during the game, if not for our secret weapon...John Skipper! The Virginia Tech alum is such a die hard Hokie, he was named for the famous cannon we fire off at football games. He won't let anything bad happen to our boys.

13. What if I'm hungry in Annapolis?


I think it was good, and I ate there, and it's got a name that lends itself well to jokes, so I'm recommending Mike's Crab House. LET'S GO TO THE REVIEWS! Adam Barr:

The best crabs I've ever had. This place is magical.

Another review, from Winston:

Crab legs were so cheap they were almost a steal, but an extra charge for butter... and I had to carry them out to the deck myself.

14. Any barbecue in Annapolis?

A. A decent selection, although in general, it seems like the food options go from real pricey (downtown) to "Restaurant Could Double As Collapsing Barn" out in the sticks real quick. Adam's Ribs seems to hit a happy medium. A local chain, they come recommended by Danny Reedy:

Great place! Noah recommended the ribs and chicken and it was absolutely delightful


14. So is anyone actually from Annapolis?

A. Not really. Their Wikipedia page actually lists Robert Duvall because he "lived there for a time". Reeeeeeach. They DO have Travis Pastrana, who is an X-Games athlete and the dude from Jimmie's Chicken Shack, which is an excuse to post this:

Dude, I bet they have really good weed in Annapolis

Okay, I think we've stretched the bounds of "interesting" as far as they'll go with regards to stuff about Annapolis and the Military Bowl. We'll be back next week with an in depth look at the Cincinnati Bearcats!

1And Detroit, Boise, New York and Annapolis
2And the Bahamas
3And Shreveport and lots of places in Texas, Arizona and Alabama
4Doesn't really work
5Works really well


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“You got one guy going boom, one guy going whack, and one guy not getting in the endzone.”
― John Madden (describing VT's offense?)

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Virginia Tech Class of 2013
Mining and Minerals Engineering

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Live for 32. Ut Prosim. Let's Go, Hokies.

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VT '10--US Citizen; (804) Virginian By Birth; (210) Texan By the Grace of God.

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I also root for: The Keydets, Army, TexAggies, NY Giants, NY Rangers, ATL Braves, and SA Brahmas

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Pain is Temporary, Chicks Dig Scars
Glory is Forever, Let's Go Hokies!!

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To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
@VTnerf on insta, @BuryHokie on twitter, #ThanksFrank

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Five star get after it 100 percent Juice Key-Playing. MAN

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-What we do is, if we need that extra push, you know what we do? -Put it up to fully dipped? -Fully dipped. Exactly. It's dork magic.