Hokie Club members caught price gouging the secondary market for baseball and softball tourney tickets

Long story short, reserved tickets sold out during the time when only Hokie Club members could buy, and as soon as ticket sales closed, the secondary market was flooded with resales, with most going 3x to 5x the original purchase price.

The same thing happened in softball during the Regional and Super Regional, and per Chris, many if not most of those seats went unused during those games.

This is unbelievably shitty behavior, especially to pull this on your fellow Hokies during a tournament run. Anyone found to be doing this absolutely deserves to be shamed for it.

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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โ€œThese people are losing their minds. This is beautiful.โ€

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If you play it, they will win.

"How the ass pocket will be used, I do not know. Alls I know is, the ass pocket will be used." -The BoD

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If you play it, they will win.

"How the ass pocket will be used, I do not know. Alls I know is, the ass pocket will be used." -The BoD

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Maroon helmet with orange gobbler logo is the best helmet.....change my mind.

If you're wondering just what the hell I'm saying in this comment, feel free to assume there's an invisible /s.

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Maroon helmet with orange gobbler logo is the best helmet.....change my mind.

If you're wondering just what the hell I'm saying in this comment, feel free to assume there's an invisible /s.

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Hey! It goes beyond big brother in the sky
Beyond the threat of martial law, No Horus eye
No one came to cuff you they just handed you the chain
Blind follows the blind and now the one-eyed man is king

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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We Are The Virginia Tech Hokies...And We Play Football!

*Adibi's Army
**Chicken Hill Social Club

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If you can't handle my shit posts, you don't deserve my memes

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"You're proud of your wahoo diploma - 4 years of going to class. If I had a Wahoo diploma, I'd use it to wipe off my ass!'

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Maroon helmet with orange gobbler logo is the best helmet.....change my mind.

If you're wondering just what the hell I'm saying in this comment, feel free to assume there's an invisible /s.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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the numbers donโ€™t lie and they spell disaster

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You will see this game, this upset and this sign next on ESPN Sportscenter. Virginia Tech 31 Miami 7

His decision was made after a phone call with longtime Virginia Tech assistant coach Bud Foster. All Foster told him was, "We win. They don't."

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Directions from Blacksburg to whoville, go north till you smell it then go east until you step in it

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You will see this game, this upset and this sign next on ESPN Sportscenter. Virginia Tech 31 Miami 7

His decision was made after a phone call with longtime Virginia Tech assistant coach Bud Foster. All Foster told him was, "We win. They don't."

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You will see this game, this upset and this sign next on ESPN Sportscenter. Virginia Tech 31 Miami 7

His decision was made after a phone call with longtime Virginia Tech assistant coach Bud Foster. All Foster told him was, "We win. They don't."

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Directions from Blacksburg to whoville, go north till you smell it then go east until you step in it

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Maroon helmet with orange gobbler logo is the best helmet.....change my mind.

If you're wondering just what the hell I'm saying in this comment, feel free to assume there's an invisible /s.

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I just sit on my couch and b*tch. - HokieChemE2016

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Hey! It goes beyond big brother in the sky
Beyond the threat of martial law, No Horus eye
No one came to cuff you they just handed you the chain
Blind follows the blind and now the one-eyed man is king

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Hey! It goes beyond big brother in the sky
Beyond the threat of martial law, No Horus eye
No one came to cuff you they just handed you the chain
Blind follows the blind and now the one-eyed man is king

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21st century QBs Undefeated vs UVA:
MV7, MV5, LT3, Kyron Drones, Grant Wells, Braxton Burmeister, Ryan Willis, Josh Jackson, Jerod Evans, Michael Brewer, Tyrod Taylor, Sean Glennon, and Grant Noel. That's right, UVA. You couldn't beat Grant Noel.

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Hey! It goes beyond big brother in the sky
Beyond the threat of martial law, No Horus eye
No one came to cuff you they just handed you the chain
Blind follows the blind and now the one-eyed man is king

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You will see this game, this upset and this sign next on ESPN Sportscenter. Virginia Tech 31 Miami 7

His decision was made after a phone call with longtime Virginia Tech assistant coach Bud Foster. All Foster told him was, "We win. They don't."

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Hey! It goes beyond big brother in the sky
Beyond the threat of martial law, No Horus eye
No one came to cuff you they just handed you the chain
Blind follows the blind and now the one-eyed man is king

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If you play it, they will win.

"How the ass pocket will be used, I do not know. Alls I know is, the ass pocket will be used." -The BoD

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Now finish up them taters; I'm gonna go fondle my sweaters.

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Even when you get skunked; fishing never lets you down. ๐ŸŽฃ

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If you play it, they will win.

"How the ass pocket will be used, I do not know. Alls I know is, the ass pocket will be used." -The BoD

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To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
@VTnerf on insta, @BuryHokie on twitter, #ThanksFrank