Show TKP: Your Hokie Memorabilia

To pass the time indoors, share photos of your Virginia Tech Memorabilia or Hokies decked out rooms. Upload to a public image host such as and embed.

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I love a good nap. Sometimes that's all that's getting me out of bed in the morning.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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"Why gobble gobble chumps asks such good questions, I will never know." - TheFifthFuller

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2 time Longwood grad married to a Hokie.

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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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2 time Longwood grad married to a Hokie.

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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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2 time Longwood grad married to a Hokie.

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2 time Longwood grad married to a Hokie.

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I don't know what a Hokie is, but God is one of them!

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2 time Longwood grad married to a Hokie.

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I love a good nap. Sometimes that's all that's getting me out of bed in the morning.

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2 time Longwood grad married to a Hokie.

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2 time Longwood grad married to a Hokie.

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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction:
“I served in the United States Navy"

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2 time Longwood grad married to a Hokie.

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"For those who have passed, for those to come, reach for excellence."

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Hey! It goes beyond big brother in the sky
Beyond the threat of martial law, No Horus eye
No one came to cuff you they just handed you the chain
Blind follows the blind and now the one-eyed man is king

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VT Class of '12 (MSE), MVBone, Go Hokies!

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Take the shortest route to the ball and arrive in bad humor.

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Take the shortest route to the ball and arrive in bad humor.

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Take the shortest route to the ball and arrive in bad humor.

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Take the shortest route to the ball and arrive in bad humor.

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I love a good nap. Sometimes that's all that's getting me out of bed in the morning.

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
@VTnerf on insta, @BuryHokie on twitter, #ThanksFrank

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The Orange and Maroon you see, that's fighting on to victory.

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Take the shortest route to the ball and arrive in bad humor.

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Always Jumping even from hours away.

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twitter @smithey_daniel
head scout BSP scouting specializing in north florida/ southern GA highschool football scouting

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twitter @smithey_daniel
head scout BSP scouting specializing in north florida/ southern GA highschool football scouting

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"I don't know what a Hokie is, but God is one of them" -Lee Corso

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Tyrod did it Mikey, Tyrod did it!!

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Take the shortest route to the ball and arrive in bad humor.

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Take the shortest route to the ball and arrive in bad humor.

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Pain is Temporary, Chicks Dig Scars
Glory is Forever, Let's Go Hokies!!

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My wife takes the kids and leaves the house while I watch my Hokie games.........nuff said

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~This post has been or will be edited for clarity. This is a write drunk, edit sober kind of account.~

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VT athletics in 2024: "People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad."

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VT athletics in 2024: "People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad."

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"Vick, dashing back . . . here he comes again . . . Electrifying . . . and have you ever seen anything like this?"

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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"The Big Ten is always using excuses to cancel games with us. First Wisconsin. Then Wisconsin. After that, Wisconsin. The subsequent cancellation with Wisconsin comes to mind too. Now Penn State. What's next? Wisconsin?" -HorseOnATreadmill

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VT athletics in 2024: "People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad."

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If you can't handle my shit posts, you don't deserve my memes

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~This post has been or will be edited for clarity. This is a write drunk, edit sober kind of account.~

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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My wife takes the kids and leaves the house while I watch my Hokie games.........nuff said

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2 time Longwood grad married to a Hokie.

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VT '10--US Citizen; (804) Virginian By Birth; (210) Texan By the Grace of God.

Rick Monday... You Made a Great Play...

I also root for: The Keydets, Army, TexAggies, NY Giants, NY Rangers, ATL Braves, and SA Brahmas

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VT '10--US Citizen; (804) Virginian By Birth; (210) Texan By the Grace of God.

Rick Monday... You Made a Great Play...

I also root for: The Keydets, Army, TexAggies, NY Giants, NY Rangers, ATL Braves, and SA Brahmas

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The proud "V" in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University spelled out in chest paint.
North Endzone @ 03 Miami.

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~This post has been or will be edited for clarity. This is a write drunk, edit sober kind of account.~

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Another white bronco? The first one didn't go too far.

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"The Big Ten is always using excuses to cancel games with us. First Wisconsin. Then Wisconsin. After that, Wisconsin. The subsequent cancellation with Wisconsin comes to mind too. Now Penn State. What's next? Wisconsin?" -HorseOnATreadmill

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~This post has been or will be edited for clarity. This is a write drunk, edit sober kind of account.~

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~This post has been or will be edited for clarity. This is a write drunk, edit sober kind of account.~

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~This post has been or will be edited for clarity. This is a write drunk, edit sober kind of account.~

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To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
@VTnerf on insta, @BuryHokie on twitter, #ThanksFrank

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Plan for the worst and hope for the best, not the other way around.

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"That move was slicker than a peeled onion in a bowl of snot." -Mike Burnop

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~This post has been or will be edited for clarity. This is a write drunk, edit sober kind of account.~

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Pain is Temporary, Chicks Dig Scars
Glory is Forever, Let's Go Hokies!!

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~This post has been or will be edited for clarity. This is a write drunk, edit sober kind of account.~

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Maroon helmet with orange gobbler logo is the best helmet.....change my mind.

If you're wondering just what the hell I'm saying in this comment, feel free to assume there's an invisible /s.

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VT athletics in 2024: "People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad."

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VT athletics in 2024: "People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad."

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"The Big Ten is always using excuses to cancel games with us. First Wisconsin. Then Wisconsin. After that, Wisconsin. The subsequent cancellation with Wisconsin comes to mind too. Now Penn State. What's next? Wisconsin?" -HorseOnATreadmill

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~This post has been or will be edited for clarity. This is a write drunk, edit sober kind of account.~