Digesting more media - why do these people have a platform?

So, I've wanted to get more excited about tech sports. I'm optimistic about Pry and am hoping to see things turn the corner with football. I'm engaging more with other sports. So, I've sought out more tech-related media to sort of build it all up. My joining here came from a similar desire in the first Fuente days.

I've found some great stuff along the way. But then there have been things that are just awful. How did these people get a platform and get elevated to a point that they semi-represent us as fans.

Joe Rogers is a cancer of a fan. That guy is just insufferable. Be it in twitter form or podcasts.
The DonV podcasts are... not great.
Tales from the transfer portal was lousy.
I've said before that a few of the podcasts sound like the hosts are stoned out of their gourds. And I'd have to be to listen to them.
I've taken in some TSL podcasts. There have been times I'm not even sure Chris Coleman and I are watching the same game. We had games where the other team's qb was green from being on the ground, and he's talking about how we didn't get pressure.

There are some good ones out there. Dwight Vick is great on every show he's on. He does like to take a topic and run with it though.
And tech talk live has been great the last year or so.

But seriously, how did some of these people get to where they are?

And just to reinforce the point, Joe rogers is an embarrassment of a fan at times.

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