My car is melting, for real...HELP!

OK, I know. I'm waaaay off topic here, but the collective knowledge, wisdom and experiences that reside here at TKP might be able to help me out here. I'm trying to understand something that has happened recently to my two vehicles. 2015 Nissan Frontier and a 2023 Buick Encore. Overnight, some of the trim suddenly looks like it is melting. Both vehicles are parked similarly beside the house, as we've parked for most of 15 years without problems.
The interweb informs me that this is due to reflection from low-E glass windows on my house. Whaaaa? My local body shop had never seen anything like it, and the local glass business had never heard of anything like that. Only thing recommended is tinting the windows, but on the outside to stop the sun's reflection. ?
The Buick, being new, we'll deal with. The truck I can live with ($700 for a cosmetic blemish). Either way, we gotta do something to keep this from happening.
Sooo, common factor here is cheap plastic trim on the vehicles, and relative proximityin the parking.
Has this happened to you? What do you know, recommend or surmise? Thanks in advance.

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