caption the, pic.....................

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"Hokie religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo

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~This post has been or will be edited for clarity. This is a write drunk, edit sober kind of account.~

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"Hokie religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo

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Pain is Temporary, Chicks Dig Scars
Glory is Forever, Let's Go Hokies!!

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"Hokie religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo

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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
@VTnerf on insta, @BuryHokie on twitter, #ThanksFrank

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From the 2018 VT-uva game-"This is when LEGENDS are made!"

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"That move was slicker than a peeled onion in a bowl of snot." -Mike Burnop

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"That move was slicker than a peeled onion in a bowl of snot." -Mike Burnop

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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I'm here for the memes, I just stay for the football.

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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me.

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I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me.

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My wife takes the kids and leaves the house while I watch my Hokie games.........nuff said

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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"Why gobble gobble chumps asks such good questions, I will never know." - TheFifthFuller