Weekly Weather Report - 2014 Virginia Tech at Duke

I'm gonna keep this kinda brief because I just lost it all after writing about three pages....

Basically that mega storm off the shore of Alaska that you've been hearing a lot about recently in the news is so strong its actually putting a kink in the jet stream. This kink is traveling all the way through Canada (haha screw you Canada) and bringing cold air with it. Now its getting close to reaching us and the east coast and like I said its bringing a ton of cold air. This storm is so powerful that its basically a blizzard meets a hurricane (think super storm sandy). For those of you who don't think super storm sandy was a big deal... well you're wrong it did tons of damage and was a spot on forecast for meteorologists everywhere (So yay go us I guess?) any who aside from making us look good mother nature also pimp smacked us into oblivion. So super storm sandy was a VERY big deal.


super storm sandy was a storm of the century!

This storm is similar and strength, (its the remnants of typhoon nuri that has reorganized and strengthened.) check out my hurricane post if you want more info on hurricanes. Now this super storm is positioned perfectly to really mess with the jet stream which in turn is effecting us.

top of the storm

cloud cover from the storm

wind map

a cool wind map from the current storm

Its bringing down a lot of cold air and is in no way shape or form a polar vortex.

polar vortex

polar vortexes and cold fronts are different things!!!!!

Notice in a polar vortex it reaches well into the poles!

DONT LISTEN TO THE MEDIA AND DONT THROW THAT WORD AROUND LIKE THEM! A polar vortex is not actually an anomaly its actually in fact a very common cyclone that chills out over the poles. It strengthens during the winter bringing cold air down with it through fronts and systems, and weakens over the summer allowing warm air to come north. It is in no way shape or form a weather pattern or a front that's associated with super cold air. They're constantly there, and constantly interacting with weather patterns.

polar vortex

what a polar vortex REALLY looks like.... notice its around the poles

Whew rant over. Sorry meteorologists are not happy with the media mislabeling these things. It creates confusion.


forecast map courtesy of the NWS

A current outlook at our forecast map shows a big ole high pressure system hanging out in Missouri. As the week progress expect this thing to head east as normal. As it approaches us, it'll bring more and more cold air down from Canada (which they received from Alaska so for once we're screwing them over!) and winds heading in from the north. Expect temperatures to drop even more these next few days and things to be really chilly for the game! Luckily the precipitation and rain will be holding off until next week, when we can expect some rain and the Midwest can enjoy some snow flurries/sleet/rain mix from hell.

suck it up

oh suck it up PSU fans, its gonna be cold everywhere

Any who with all this cold air coming down I expect the game this weekend to be a very blue collar smashmouth grind it out kinda game which... because we're actually the under dog now I guess plays into our advantage. I expect this to be a very low scoring game that either team will just grind out a victory. I have to tip my hat to duke as the favorite in this case because they've shown to be more capable of that during this current season (god it kills me to say that). The roles have flipped as we, who are typically looking down on duke as they scramble for bowl eligibility, are actually looking up at dukes potential ACC championship run for a second year in a row.

Final predictions

Kickoff 40 degrees
High 43
Low 11
wind negligible
Precip little to none
Partly to no clouds


hokie bird

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Taylor, looking desperately throws it deep..HAS A MAN OPEN DANNY COALE WITH A CATCH ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE FIVE!!!!....hes still open

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Taylor, looking desperately throws it deep..HAS A MAN OPEN DANNY COALE WITH A CATCH ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE FIVE!!!!....hes still open

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Taylor, looking desperately throws it deep..HAS A MAN OPEN DANNY COALE WITH A CATCH ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE FIVE!!!!....hes still open