This picture of Danny Coale and HD at ACC football kickoff barely beat out these pictures of the Frankinator golfing for this week's caption.
I have a couple of quick announcements today, with more to come in August. By Monday the site should be running on an upgraded server. There's still three days left in July, but so far it's been the most heavily trafficked month of the off season. There's been over 25,000 unique visitors and 50,000 page views! By comparison, last July 4,500 unique visitors stopped by TKP. I'm anticipating the traffic will continue to grow so I want to make sure the computing power is there. Also, Magduffs is working on some new drapes to hang up next week. Thank you guys and girls for contributing your thoughts and making TKP one of the best Hokies communities online!
Anyways, it's Friday, Fri-Day, gonna caption the image on Friday, Hokie football in only six more weekends, week-ends!
Not open?
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So Danny
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Hey is that..
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not feeling clever, but ADHD at work so...
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Can we do this over Skype?
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So I hear..
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I'm just gonna throw this out there...
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HD: You see Danny...
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DC gets the scoop...
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Pardon me, but
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this one is def for the ladies.
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