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Turn up to 💯 × 10 The Key Players Club members and support top-flight Virginia Tech Hokies coverage.

[Mark Umansky]

It's your every-so-often The Key Players Club progress report. Hey, it's December. Happy holidays, Hokies.

At the time of publish, TKP's benefactor group was 357 Hokies strong. 👏 Although, November and December's signups lagged behind August–October's, and the club is still 643 members short of its launch goal.

TKPC was conceived with the best intentions. Those with the financial resources who value TKP's content and community could support the website in order to enhance its offering for the benefit of all. Based on TKP's gaudy audience size, absurdly high engagement (y'all TKP hard), and an educated guess on spending power, I thought the community would break 1,000 within a month, tops.

That has not happened.

Let me backup. I enjoy building things. I blame Legos for an early age addiction. TKP has afforded me the opportunity build a readership, media platform, slick software stack, a community (with a lot of help), and a business. Yet, I am not complacent and the latter, entrepreneurship, is what interests me the most. Time is a limited resource, and my family and full-time job account for most of my daily 86,400 seconds. On an average day, the rest of my "free" time (and much of the aforementioned allotted) is dedicated to TKP (and sometimes sleep). However, it's becoming more apparent to me if I want to build a successful business, my time investment in TKP is an unwise one given its current business model. That realization made me sad because TKP is my baby.

These are all possible scenarios moving forward (not inclusive).

Maintain the status quo and see what happens. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. (No matter who said it, it's the truth.) This does not seem like a valid solution.

Invest time in a new side hustle. Not my prefered outcome by any means, but it's among the most realistic.

Completely redefine TKP's business strategy. TKP could become a premium content website. Or perhaps it becomes a subscription email list that publishes only during the football months.

Exclusive articles for The Key Players Club. Every so often TKP's most valuable and unique content is only available to TKPC members. My hypothesis is there are a lot of folks who read TKP who don't know about TKPC and would support it, but the only way to get them to notice is to put a barrier in the way. Additionally, there are people who value TKP and have the means to support it, but only when nudged. This will no doubt alienate those who believe they have a right to content online, but it's otherwise minimally invasive.

None of the above is what I envisioned the outcome of The Key Players Club would be 10 months ago, but business/life/... isn't always sunshine, rainbows, and wins over UVA* (*unless you are 13-years-old and younger). It's about dealing with change, the unexpected, and adversity.

Virginia Tech athletics is poised for exciting and memorable times ahead. I believe Hokies deserve coverage that exceeds their love of the maroon and orange. My ultimate hope is TKP can self-fund its first full-time reporter, which would only serve to help finance subsequent coverage. This would spiral into something magical. However, TKP needs your help to realize the next step. Those of you who can afford it, consider joining The Key Players Club and supporting The Key Play.



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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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2023 Season Challenge: TBD
Previous Challenges: Star Wars (2019), Marvel (2020), Batman (2021), Wrasslin' (2022)

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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction:
“I served in the United States Navy"

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The Orange and Maroon you see, that's fighting on to victory.

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-What we do is, if we need that extra push, you know what we do? -Put it up to fully dipped? -Fully dipped. Exactly. It's dork magic.

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The Orange and Maroon you see, that's fighting on to victory.

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Plan for the worst and hope for the best, not the other way around.

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30 years after starting grad school at Virginia Tech, I finally defended my dissertation and earned my PhD.
Don't give up on your dreams.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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"That move was slicker than a peeled onion in a bowl of snot." -Mike Burnop

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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I love a good nap. Sometimes that's all that's getting me out of bed in the morning.

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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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Another white bronco? The first one didn't go too far.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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-What we do is, if we need that extra push, you know what we do? -Put it up to fully dipped? -Fully dipped. Exactly. It's dork magic.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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"We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior" Stephen M.R. Covey

“When life knocks you down plan to land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up, if you fall flat on your face it can kill your spirit” David Wilson

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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Outspoken team cake advocate. Hates terrapins. Resident Macho Man Gif Poster. Distant cousin to Dork Magic. Frequently misspells words.

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Taylor, looking desperately throws it deep..HAS A MAN OPEN DANNY COALE WITH A CATCH ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE FIVE!!!!....hes still open

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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"I liked you guys a lot better when everybody told you you were terrible." -Justin Fuente

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"And guess what, you've wandered into our school of tuna and we now have a taste of lion." -Allen Gamble, The Other Guys

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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"And guess what, you've wandered into our school of tuna and we now have a taste of lion." -Allen Gamble, The Other Guys

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My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush

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Pain is Temporary, Chicks Dig Scars
Glory is Forever, Let's Go Hokies!!

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Pain is Temporary, Chicks Dig Scars
Glory is Forever, Let's Go Hokies!!

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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Best duos in Hokie history: Hall & Adibi, 3rd & Tyrod, Georgia & Liz

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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Best duos in Hokie history: Hall & Adibi, 3rd & Tyrod, Georgia & Liz

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I love a good nap. Sometimes that's all that's getting me out of bed in the morning.

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21st century QBs Undefeated vs UVA:
MV7, MV5, LT3, Kyron Drones, Grant Wells, Braxton Burmeister, Ryan Willis, Josh Jackson, Jerod Evans, Michael Brewer, Tyrod Taylor, Sean Glennon, and Grant Noel. That's right, UVA. You couldn't beat Grant Noel.

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Outspoken team cake advocate. Hates terrapins. Resident Macho Man Gif Poster. Distant cousin to Dork Magic. Frequently misspells words.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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Outspoken team cake advocate. Hates terrapins. Resident Macho Man Gif Poster. Distant cousin to Dork Magic. Frequently misspells words.

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Outspoken team cake advocate. Hates terrapins. Resident Macho Man Gif Poster. Distant cousin to Dork Magic. Frequently misspells words.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Outspoken team cake advocate. Hates terrapins. Resident Macho Man Gif Poster. Distant cousin to Dork Magic. Frequently misspells words.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Taylor, looking desperately throws it deep..HAS A MAN OPEN DANNY COALE WITH A CATCH ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE FIVE!!!!....hes still open

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Outspoken team cake advocate. Hates terrapins. Resident Macho Man Gif Poster. Distant cousin to Dork Magic. Frequently misspells words.

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There's always a lighthouse. There's always a man. There's always a city.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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"We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior" Stephen M.R. Covey

“When life knocks you down plan to land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up, if you fall flat on your face it can kill your spirit” David Wilson

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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Another white bronco? The first one didn't go too far.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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A decade on TKP and it's been time well spent.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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30 years after starting grad school at Virginia Tech, I finally defended my dissertation and earned my PhD.
Don't give up on your dreams.

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I love a good nap. Sometimes that's all that's getting me out of bed in the morning.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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I love a good nap. Sometimes that's all that's getting me out of bed in the morning.

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The Orange and Maroon you see, that's fighting on to victory.

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VT athletics in 2024: People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad.

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Reach for Excellence!

VT Football: It'll get after ya!

Proud Hokie since 2004.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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The Orange and Maroon you see, that's fighting on to victory.

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I love a good nap. Sometimes that's all that's getting me out of bed in the morning.

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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30 years after starting grad school at Virginia Tech, I finally defended my dissertation and earned my PhD.
Don't give up on your dreams.

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We are the Hokies. We will prevail. We will prevail. We will prevail. We are Virginia Tech.

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30 years after starting grad school at Virginia Tech, I finally defended my dissertation and earned my PhD.
Don't give up on your dreams.

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30 years after starting grad school at Virginia Tech, I finally defended my dissertation and earned my PhD.
Don't give up on your dreams.

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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30 years after starting grad school at Virginia Tech, I finally defended my dissertation and earned my PhD.
Don't give up on your dreams.

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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Outspoken team cake advocate. Hates terrapins. Resident Macho Man Gif Poster. Distant cousin to Dork Magic. Frequently misspells words.

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Outspoken team cake advocate. Hates terrapins. Resident Macho Man Gif Poster. Distant cousin to Dork Magic. Frequently misspells words.

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“Also, a microwave has never danced it's ass off to Jackie Wilson.” - AssPocketFullOWhiskey

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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“Also, a microwave has never danced it's ass off to Jackie Wilson.” - AssPocketFullOWhiskey

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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The Orange and Maroon you see, that's fighting on to victory.

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Outspoken team cake advocate. Hates terrapins. Resident Macho Man Gif Poster. Distant cousin to Dork Magic. Frequently misspells words.

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My wife takes the kids and leaves the house while I watch my Hokie games.........nuff said

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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"That move was slicker than a peeled onion in a bowl of snot." -Mike Burnop

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Outspoken team cake advocate. Hates terrapins. Resident Macho Man Gif Poster. Distant cousin to Dork Magic. Frequently misspells words.

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Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice.

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I love a good nap. Sometimes that's all that's getting me out of bed in the morning.

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2023 Season Challenge: TBD
Previous Challenges: Star Wars (2019), Marvel (2020), Batman (2021), Wrasslin' (2022)

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Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice.

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Outspoken team cake advocate. Hates terrapins. Resident Macho Man Gif Poster. Distant cousin to Dork Magic. Frequently misspells words.

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I love a good nap. Sometimes that's all that's getting me out of bed in the morning.

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If you play it, they will win.

"How the ass pocket will be used, I do not know. Alls I know is, the ass pocket will be used." -The BoD

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If you play it, they will win.

"How the ass pocket will be used, I do not know. Alls I know is, the ass pocket will be used." -The BoD

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If you play it, they will win.

"How the ass pocket will be used, I do not know. Alls I know is, the ass pocket will be used." -The BoD

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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If you play it, they will win.

"How the ass pocket will be used, I do not know. Alls I know is, the ass pocket will be used." -The BoD

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club

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If you play it, they will win.

"How the ass pocket will be used, I do not know. Alls I know is, the ass pocket will be used." -The BoD

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

Join us in the Key Players Club