Noon Games

First time poster here. Maybe this question has already been asked and answered. Why do we play so many noon games? Last week on the radio I heard JC Coleman say that the team doesn't like to play them because they have to wake up so early. The team always looks a bit sluggish coming out of the gate for these games (this week and last week). It's tough on the fan base too. We're a statewide fan base and people drive down from Northern VA and the beach during the early hours of the morning to get a little bit of tailgating in before the games. Half the students have trouble making it to the noon games because they can't kick their hangovers.

Loluva gets a lot of the 3:30 games, which allows their team to get some action under the lights later in the year which I'm convinced gets the players more amped.

Is this something Beamer asks for and I just don't understand? Is it an uncomprehendable Weaverism? Or is it just bad luck?

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"That move was slicker than a peeled onion in a bowl of snot." -Mike Burnop