"Or is the MEAL cheaper?"

Most of us are familiar with Frank Beamer's "who farted?" face (thankfully, less so this season). Back in the day, message board contributors would pepper threads with this reference to Frank's disgusted sideline reactions. Today, no longer in vogue, the "who farted?" is rarely cited as a Frank Beamer trademark expression.

This past weekend, though, I noticed a common thread of body language on the UVA sideline. As I watched UVA blow their 22-point lead ... [laughing fit, deep breaths] ... blow their 22-point lead to Duke, the Head Ball Cop furrowed his brow, pursed his lips, and squinted up at the clock (or the score? or a bird? or a visual manifestation of his own dreams?), usually with his hands on his hips.

The more ground UVA lost to Duke, the more I saw it, and the more I recognized this pose as uniquely American.

This was a man searching for answers.

This was a man trying to make decisions.

This was the look of a man ordering fast food.

So, the next time you see Mike London handling adversity on the sidelines, join him in the difficult questions that plague these moments:

"3 four-pieces is a better deal than the 10, right?"

"DO I want a milkshake?"

"Is the Chalupa the fried one, or is that the Gordita?"

If you've noticed common expressions/behaviors among ACC coaching staffs or have a catch-all name for this one, share them here.

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There's always a lighthouse. There's always a man. There's always a city.

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There's always a lighthouse. There's always a man. There's always a city.

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There's always a lighthouse. There's always a man. There's always a city.

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"We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior" Stephen M.R. Covey

โ€œWhen life knocks you down plan to land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up, if you fall flat on your face it can kill your spiritโ€ David Wilson

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"We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior" Stephen M.R. Covey

โ€œWhen life knocks you down plan to land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up, if you fall flat on your face it can kill your spiritโ€ David Wilson

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UVA: Jefferson's biggest mistake


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To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
@VTnerf on insta, @BuryHokie on twitter, #ThanksFrank

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"They've done studies you know, 60% of the time it works every time!"

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No, I *don't* want to go to the SEC. Why do you ask?

We don't love dem Hoos.

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"And loud, listen for yourself..." - Ron Franklin

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Take the shortest route to the ball and arrive in bad humor.

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"We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior" Stephen M.R. Covey

โ€œWhen life knocks you down plan to land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up, if you fall flat on your face it can kill your spiritโ€ David Wilson