It's the final week of Raycom Sports

This week's ACC Tournament marks the final countdown on the existence of Raycom Sports, who began broadcasting ACC basketball and football events through a joint operation with Jefferson Pilot Communications back in 1982. Of course, with ESPN debuting the ACC Network this fall, there is nothing left for them to actually broadcast, so its not like they're going out on their own accord. Nah, we kicked their asses to the curb. Too bad so sad. At least we don't have to deal with the weekly Wes Durham Raycom Nooner badge of honor anymore.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without John Swofford selling our broadcast rights to Raycom on the cheap about a decade ago when there were much larger offers on the table which would have made all his member schools much more money over the long term. Its a good thing there wasn't any nepotistic reasons behind that decision making. That would have been awkward. Is it any surprise to you to find out he can't even throw a baseball 60 feet 6 inches without skipping it?

So, from us to you... Good riddance, Raycom. We'll not miss you at all.

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"Hokie religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo

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“You got one guy going boom, one guy going whack, and one guy not getting in the endzone.”
― John Madden (describing VT's offense?)

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Wet stuff on the red stuff.

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If you play it, they will win.

"How the ass pocket will be used, I do not know. Alls I know is, the ass pocket will be used." -The BoD

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If you play it, they will win.

"How the ass pocket will be used, I do not know. Alls I know is, the ass pocket will be used." -The BoD

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"For those who have passed, for those to come, reach for excellence."

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Maroon helmet with orange gobbler logo is the best helmet.....change my mind.

If you're wondering just what the hell I'm saying in this comment, feel free to assume there's an invisible /s.

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Maroon helmet with orange gobbler logo is the best helmet.....change my mind.

If you're wondering just what the hell I'm saying in this comment, feel free to assume there's an invisible /s.

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"Take care of the little things and the big things will come."

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Now finish up them taters; I'm gonna go fondle my sweaters.

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Warning: this post occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)..

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“The Cup is Going Nowhere Mikey!!!!!”
“This is my School. This is Home.”

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No, I *don't* want to go to the SEC. Why do you ask?

We don't love dem Hoos.

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"That kid you're talking to right there, I think he played his nuts off! And you can quote me on that shit!" -Bud Foster

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“You got one guy going boom, one guy going whack, and one guy not getting in the endzone.”
― John Madden (describing VT's offense?)

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2023 Season Challenge: TBD
Previous Challenges: Star Wars (2019), Marvel (2020), Batman (2021), Wrasslin' (2022)

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Hey! It goes beyond big brother in the sky
Beyond the threat of martial law, No Horus eye
No one came to cuff you they just handed you the chain
Blind follows the blind and now the one-eyed man is king