OT: Best Local Blacksburg Music (Current and prior years)

Hey TKP Fam

So today I went down a rabbit hole of listening to Blacksburg/VT bands of years past and my God, the memories. That led me to reconnecting with some of the people I used to go to shows with/play music with and having some great conversations about who were the Best Blacksburg Bands during our time there.

Holy Nostalgia, Batman.

Anyway, I know we have VT and Blacksburg peeps of a wide age range on this site, so I wanted to ask TKP what were the best local bands, rappers, musicians, venues, etc. while you were in town? Or if you're currently a student/in the area I would love to hear some recommendations of good music currently made by the local scene.

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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Five star get after it 100 percent Juice Key-Playing. MAN

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Joffrey, Cersei, Ilyn Payne, the Hound, Jeff Jagodzinski, Paul Johnson, Pat Narduzzi.

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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Five star get after it 100 percent Juice Key-Playing. MAN

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Five star get after it 100 percent Juice Key-Playing. MAN

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My wife takes the kids and leaves the house while I watch my Hokie games.........nuff said

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Now finish up them taters; I'm gonna go fondle my sweaters.

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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My wife takes the kids and leaves the house while I watch my Hokie games.........nuff said

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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"Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth."

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'Its easy to grin, when your ship comes in, and you've got the stock market beat,
but the man worthwhile, is the man who can smile, when his shorts are too tight in the seat'

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My wife takes the kids and leaves the house while I watch my Hokie games.........nuff said

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"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. " Rocky B.

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"And guess what, you've wandered into our school of tuna and we now have a taste of lion." -Allen Gamble, The Other Guys

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"Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth."

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VT athletics in 2024: "People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad."

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Now finish up them taters; I'm gonna go fondle my sweaters.

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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Five star get after it 100 percent Juice Key-Playing. MAN

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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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Five star get after it 100 percent Juice Key-Playing. MAN

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"Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe.” -Einstein

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Pain is Temporary, Chicks Dig Scars
Glory is Forever, Let's Go Hokies!!

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"I don't know what a Hokie is, but God is one of them. Go Virginia Tech." -Lee