A Discussion on College Football Hostesses

2013-2014 Aggie Hostesses (for reference)

So I had a very interesting conversation this week that I had to share here. A few days ago I met a former Clemson player and his daughter who is a current student at Clemson. After a lot of talk about football the daughter mentioned that she worked for the Clemson recruiting office as a "hostess" (If you're not aware what this is you can check out this old BR article which gives a very "university friendly" explanation). Now I didn't know much about the topic outside of some of the scandal involving hostesses that I had read about in the past so I asked her about her job. Here are just a few takeaways...

-She said that the bulk of the job is showing recruits around and spending time with them to answer any questions they may have during different functions.

-She said that they are encouraged to "mingle" with the recruits but that they have never been encouraged to do anything inappropriate.

-She mentioned that while some girls may act a little flirty at times that it's usually the recruits attempting to do most of the flirting.

-She said that while it's not explicitly articulated that that looks definitely go into the selection process. She laughed that she got the gig because of who her father was but she was also a stereotypically attractive young woman.

Now after we talked I decided to do a little bit more research on the topic and what I found was interesting. Specifically it was interesting because I really didn't find much. Ever since some of the scandals over the past decade or two schools don't really publicize much about the ladies anymore. I honestly couldn't find anything about the Clemson hostesses at all. If I had not spoken with the young lady I would have thought Clemson didn't have hostesses. The only thing I found is an old forum thread from a decade ago where I learned that they went from being called "Bengal Babes," to "Tiger Lilies," and eventually "Tiger Paws." It seems that Tommy Bowden had actually done away with the program during his tenure so if the message board banter is actually true I guess Dabo brought it back.

So with that said I leave you with a few questions for discussion...

1. What are your thoughts on this type of program? Are they good, are they bad, do they need more accountability, etc.*

2. How prevalent are these programs today? In ignorance I assume they are pretty prevalent but I know there are some folks out there that would certainly know more than me (ay where you at JUGS?).

3. Does anyone else have any insight/knowledge about these programs? I'm always interested in how the whole recruiting machine runs.

4. Does Tech have or have they ever had this type of program before. Admittedly I didn't search for this myself but I know somebody on here will know.

*Please don't let this devolve into uncivil discourse over the morality of these programs.

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Maroon helmet with orange gobbler logo is the best helmet.....change my mind.

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"Runs up the hill! Into the Tech student section! Here in Charlottesville!"

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Maroon helmet with orange gobbler logo is the best helmet.....change my mind.

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uva - the taint of the ACC
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I found TKP after two rails from TOTS then walking back to my apartment and re-watching the 2012 Sugar Bowl. I woke up the next day with this username.

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