ESPN Roundtable Hokies

Just saw a roundtable segment hosted by Herbie. Pretty much everyone said that they expect the defense to carry the team. They also had little faith in the offense and special teams. Pretty much was concerned about the line and the running game. Only Logan Thomas got any praise. Also one guy said that we may not get 10 wins this year and this will be the first time in awhile that we could have a down season due to the offense.

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In these here parts we got a thing called the Missouri boat ride

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Five star get after it 100 percent Juice Key-Playing. MAN

Drew Harris

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Win one for the Beamer...

he is very close

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"My advice to you... is to start drinking heavily."-John Blutarsky

in a few weeks

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"My advice to you... is to start drinking heavily."-John Blutarsky

pretty much

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"My advice to you... is to start drinking heavily."-John Blutarsky

Just posted earlier but

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Virginia Tech '08
Fordham University (NY) '11, '12

Twitter: @duffmanhokie
PSN Handle: duffmanhokie1568

Hokies, NY Rangers, NY Jets, NY Mets (sigh), USA Hockey, Richmond Renegades (R.I.P)