So I went down to the burg this past weekend with a buddy of mine who had to finish moving some stuff out of his apartment.
a) Apparently there is a controversy about the town adding fluoride to the water supply. What the hell is that all about? I thought that was a standard practice pretty much everywhere.
b) Sycamore Deli is now in a basement bar across the street from the Rivermill. I think its the former Republican Headquarters site. They have a stage and had a band playing Saturday night. This move could have been made several years ago for all I know, as I would have never thought to look there.
c) Holy crap, how did I miss the massive amount of construction that has taken place in the past few years on the residential side of campus. I guess I have just never paid attention during walks to the stadium, but it's impossible to miss if you drive down West Campus Dr. Nice facelift for Litton Reeves too.
d) If Bruce Taylor reads this, I apologize for trying to get you to tackle my friend at TOTS on Saturday night. It was a lot funnier in my rail soaked brain at the time.
e) Finally, Jimmy Johns or pizza, which is the better late night drunk food? They'll both have competition with Waffle House coming soon.
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