NCAA Football 13

Is anyone else frustrated with the lack of progress between these games? The previews for the new game (coming out in July) feature the SAME OLD, TIRED COMMENTARY between Nessler and Herbstriet that we've heard for the last four years, even after EA promised that it would be "fresh."

Studio updates, the bottom-line ticker, and the addition of Rece Davis would be cool and all if (1) they showed highlights of the games they're updating and (2) Rece's commentary actually flowed together. Instead it's choppy and you can physically HEAR where they cut the audio in recording...

Are you as frustrated as me? Am I just asking too much?
Either way, leave your opinions in the comments.

DISCLAIMER: Forum topics may not have been written or edited by The Key Play staff.


Here is the gameplay preview.

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look at 2:31

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"That kid you're talking to right there, I think he played his nuts off! And you can quote me on that shit!" -Bud Foster

Yeah, I haven't been too impressed with the series

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"That kid you're talking to right there, I think he played his nuts off! And you can quote me on that shit!" -Bud Foster

Wow- I disagree

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Virginia Tech '08
Fordham University (NY) '11, '12

Twitter: @duffmanhokie
PSN Handle: duffmanhokie1568

Hokies, NY Rangers, NY Jets, NY Mets (sigh), USA Hockey, Richmond Renegades (R.I.P)

Glitches, yes

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Virginia Tech '08
Fordham University (NY) '11, '12

Twitter: @duffmanhokie
PSN Handle: duffmanhokie1568

Hokies, NY Rangers, NY Jets, NY Mets (sigh), USA Hockey, Richmond Renegades (R.I.P)

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Virginia Tech '08
Fordham University (NY) '11, '12

Twitter: @duffmanhokie
PSN Handle: duffmanhokie1568

Hokies, NY Rangers, NY Jets, NY Mets (sigh), USA Hockey, Richmond Renegades (R.I.P)

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Virginia Tech '08
Fordham University (NY) '11, '12

Twitter: @duffmanhokie
PSN Handle: duffmanhokie1568

Hokies, NY Rangers, NY Jets, NY Mets (sigh), USA Hockey, Richmond Renegades (R.I.P)