Wake the F*ck Up

    Every childhood has a Larry, somewhere between Kindergarten and Middle School is that guy floating around who somehow still believes in the Easter Bunny, Santa, and so on. Either it be an absolute denial or the awkwardness of not wanting to be the bearer of bad news to him, Larry somehow walks around like an asshole beleiving in magic way too developmentally late. The Virginia Tech fanbase is that Larry. Somewhere between coveting MIchael Vick as a new phase of college football as we know it and sweeping any record that matters under the rug we have been able to strut along in a fishbowl of ACC championships and ten win seasons like an asshole who thinks they're next best in line for a National Championship. 
    I'ts Football. Shit Happens. If we sucked we wouldn't have to worry about being so emphatic about losing. If we were/will be ever that good we wouldn't have to mum a word of it. We finally get to enjoy being a fanbase that realizes its place like all of the other fanbases who hated our smugness over it. If you're not enjoying Hokie football win/lose, you've surronded yourself with the wrong people. Buck up, WAKE UP, I'll be with you cheering next week.

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"That kid you're talking to right there, I think he played his nuts off! And you can quote me on that shit!" -Bud Foster