Today's Serious Injuries

Is anyone else completely concerned by today's serious injuries resulting from head-to-head contact?

Devin Walker of Tulane:
Broken neck, needs immediate surgery.

Tevin Mitchel of Arkansas:
The extent of his injury is unclear at this point.

*Prayers and good vibes, whichever you prefer, to both players, their families, and their teammates.

I find it alarming that even with everything the NCAA has done to prevent head-to-head contact, we'd had not one, but two, very serious injuries in one day of football resulting from such contact. And there is still football yet to be played. Let's hope we don't see anymore of this today or for the rest of the year.

I know we've had some of discussion about the new rule that requires a player to sit out the play immediately after his helmet is knocked off. I mainly see this as a way to prevent a player who actually might have a concussion, or a greater risk of one, from being further concussed. Which is good that they are attempting to prevent concussions. This rule gives the medical staff a little more time to evaluate the player. I get that.

But what about this kind of head-to-head contact? In both of these injuries, the contact was with a teammate. Both players weren't even hit by a member of the opposing team. Both players were defensive players, tackling a receiver.

Coincidence? What are y'alls opinions?

I realize that football is a hard-hitting contact sport and that is can be violent. I also understand that when a player commits to play in the NCAA, he consents to activity within the rules, which includes being hit by others at the risk of being injured. And players are getting bigger, faster, and stronger. But two of the same kind of injury in one day is unacceptable in my opinion. How in the world does the NCAA even begin to regulate this? What, if anything, can the NCAA do now?

I find this very unsettling.

*Also of mention is the 2010 case of Rutger's Eric LeGrand who was paralyzed from the waist down when he collided head first with the ball carrier's shoulder. Eric's hit is a little different than the two that occurred today, but still resulted in a serious injury. Very hard hit, and we all know Eric is still struggling to regain control of his body from the waist down.

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I'm not sure helmet technology

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sobering reminder of the violent nature of the sport we love

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"That kid you're talking to right there, I think he played his nuts off! And you can quote me on that shit!" -Bud Foster