Senior Night for Erick Green

Saturday night at 8pm in Cassell, we are going to see the beginning of the end of one of the greatest seasons by an individual player in Virginia Tech Basketball History.

Our record aside, what Erick Green is doing is Legendary. As already mentioned by a better writer than I, ( his stats are terrific, but he is so much more than his numbers. The effort he continues to give every game, while receiving very little help from the rest of the team, is more than any of us could expect with the "Me-First" attitude that seems to have permeated college basketball. HE PASSED OUT AGAINST GEORGIA TECH (and scored 28 points).

So, do what ever you need to do to get to Cassell tomorrow night. They do the ceremony before the game, so give yourself time to get in before 7:45. If you don't have a student-ticket, go to the stand-by line (side door on the practice facility side of Cassell). They'll be giving out tickets until they run out. Make sure you wear Green over your Maroon and Orange during the pregame and give him the support that he's earned during his career.

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'14 grad

very superstitious

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'14 grad

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I support Logan Thomas and make no apologies for it.


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"Go Hokies!" - Thomas Jefferson