Custom - DeAngelo Hall - DB/FL - Virginia Tech Hokies

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DISCLAIMER: Forum topics may not have been written or edited by The Key Play staff.


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"That kid you're talking to right there, I think he played his nuts off! And you can quote me on that shit!" -Bud Foster

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"The Big Ten is always using excuses to cancel games with us. First Wisconsin. Then Wisconsin. After that, Wisconsin. The subsequent cancellation with Wisconsin comes to mind too. Now Penn State. What's next? Wisconsin?" -HorseOnATreadmill

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If it ain't orange, it better be maroon...and if it ain't maroon, it better be soon!

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“I hope that they’re not going to have big eyes and pee down their legs so to speak,” -- Bud Foster

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VT athletics in 2024: "People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad."

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VT athletics in 2024: "People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad."

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VT athletics in 2024: "People expected us to be ass. We were still ass, but we weren't that bad."

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"I'm high on Juice and ready to stick it in!" Whit Babcock

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True Hokies STICK IT IN!!!

STICK IT IN Army of Virginia Tech
