UNC Self Reports new NCAA Violations

Stop me if you've heard this before. UNC has announced a new set of NCAA violations, and this will delay their response to the earlier Notice of Allegations that they received from the NCAA earlier this year.

Per WRAL.com

In a press release posted on the school's Carolina Commitment site Friday afternoon, the school said the women's basketball violations were related to "improper academic assistance" provided to a few former women's basketball players. Those violations were directly related to one of the accusations made in the NCAA's Notice of Allegations, which was released in June after being given to UNC in May.

The second violation made public Friday involved potential recruiting violations in the men's soccer program that allegedly took place during the last two years.

The men's soccer violations are unrelated to the previous Notice of Allegations, but the university said Friday that the new information will force them to delay their original response to the NOA, which was scheduled to come out on or before Aug. 18, the 90-day period that the school has to publish its response.

What's particularly interesting about this is that part of the NCAA Notice of Allegations is that they're saying UNC exhibited a behavior consistent of a departmental Lack of Institutional Control. So as they're getting ready to reply to that charge. Bam, more violations, this time from even more athletic programs than initially thought.

Talk about a completely rogue Athletic Department.

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