Notre Dame, Bowl Games, the ACC, & The Almighty $$$$

With Notre Dame sitting in a playoff spot, it got me thinking:
-Do they have an agreement with the ACC for sharing bowl revenue? (Will VT benefit from them making bank?)
-Does that affect or leverage them joining full time, either way?

I'll hang up and listen.

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β€œYou got one guy going boom, one guy going whack, and one guy not getting in the endzone.”
― John Madden (describing VT's offense?)

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To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
@VTnerf on insta, @BuryHokie on twitter, #ThanksFrank

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"Give me a fuΒ’king beer", Anonymous Genius

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This is my school
This is home

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Plan for the worst and hope for the best, not the other way around.