USAToday Head Coaching salary database updated

USA today updated their Coaching Salary Database on October 2nd. Only the headcoaching database has been updated. Assistant Salary Database has not been updated since 12/7/22. Link.

Coach Pry coming in as the 51st highest paid Head Coach at an FBS public school, 10th highest in the ACC.

Additionally, he has the 42nd largest buyout among FBS publics (although there are 6 coaches who make more than him who have not reported buyouts) and the 5th highest buyout among ACC publics. This information is interesting to me; Buyouts are clearly a function of (a) time remaining on contract (more time remaining = higher buyout to create more job security) and (b) contract size (higher base salary = higher buy out). Interesting to see that Tony Elliott's buy out is ~$7m more than Pry's.

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