Turkey Legs Big Board

Rank Name Member Since Turkey Legs
1201. chasem7's picture chasem7 10/31/2019 189
1202. mrh61988's picture mrh61988 07/07/2011 189
1203. perplexster's picture perplexster 09/11/2012 188
1204. VTmallard's picture VTmallard 01/10/2013 188
1205. Patrick4VT's picture Patrick4VT 08/07/2016 187
1206. TheA10GoesBRRRT's picture TheA10GoesBRRRT 11/25/2015 187
1207. HokieHam's picture HokieHam 10/19/2013 186
1208. NOLAHokie's picture NOLAHokie 12/14/2012 184
1209. wiyam's picture wiyam 03/21/2014 183
1210. HokieLeedy's picture HokieLeedy 08/06/2015 183
1211. hokiespalante's picture hokiespalante 08/29/2017 183
1212. BuckeyeSouth's picture BuckeyeSouth 07/30/2015 182
1213. Mattfan's picture Mattfan 08/14/2013 181
1214. VTSlashR's picture VTSlashR 10/11/2013 180
1215. WoolwineHokie's picture WoolwineHokie 09/30/2011 180
1216. HokieBimmer's picture HokieBimmer 11/16/2021 180
1217. Nest Realty NRV's picture Nest Realty NRV 10/07/2020 179
1218. HokieJosh's picture HokieJosh 12/30/2019 179
1219. CRoy8's picture CRoy8 05/02/2016 179
1220. BFD131's picture BFD131 03/25/2014 179
1221. Hokiehollar's picture Hokiehollar 02/10/2014 179
1222. HokiePilot's picture HokiePilot 11/02/2012 178
1223. StupMo's picture StupMo 02/13/2017 177
1224. vtkate's picture vtkate 04/14/2011 176
1225. skanetic's picture skanetic 11/21/2011 176
1226. Hokie1971's picture Hokie1971 07/30/2015 176
1227. vatech03's picture vatech03 07/28/2015 176
1228. JiveHokie's picture JiveHokie 09/01/2013 176
1229. Austin_Hokie's picture Austin_Hokie 09/25/2013 176
1230. VTPhatman's picture VTPhatman 10/01/2013 175
1231. Sova_Hokie's picture Sova_Hokie 02/04/2012 175
1232. Cody Elliott's picture Cody Elliott 06/11/2018 175
1233. HOOdon'twannagothere's picture HOOdon'twannagothere 02/26/2015 175
1234. Da-Man77's picture Da-Man77 11/06/2012 174
1235. Smithfieldhokie's picture Smithfieldhokie 12/25/2012 174
1236. Vipervt09's picture Vipervt09 10/12/2018 174
1237. David Cunningham's picture David Cunningham 01/05/2021 174
1238. Citarael's picture Citarael 04/30/2019 173
1239. DBUP6's picture DBUP6 11/05/2017 173
1240. ZimasAndBowtiesLOL's picture ZimasAndBowtiesLOL 03/17/2017 173
1241. Doctor Knots's picture Doctor Knots 08/12/2014 173
1242. dpb000's picture dpb000 01/02/2014 171
1243. VTokie5's picture VTokie5 05/19/2011 171
1244. mattzednem's picture mattzednem 11/11/2013 170
1245. ZachMariner's picture ZachMariner 10/09/2013 170
1246. Marcus2121VT's picture Marcus2121VT 08/30/2013 169
1247. StraightCashHomie's picture StraightCashHomie 11/02/2014 168
1248. LoganLover's picture LoganLover 09/02/2014 167
1249. bringbackstickitin's picture bringbackstickitin 10/27/2014 167
1250. Tyroid Tyler's picture Tyroid Tyler 10/14/2012 166
1251. burkeytheturkey's picture burkeytheturkey 05/07/2017 166
1252. Clayton_mlt's picture Clayton_mlt 11/20/2015 165
1253. Onurnez's picture Onurnez 10/31/2013 165
1254. Hokie EE 11's picture Hokie EE 11 08/23/2019 165
1255. Kings's picture Kings 09/26/2012 165
1256. VTGuy0625's picture VTGuy0625 04/08/2014 164
1257. Hokievet's picture Hokievet 12/18/2013 164
1258. Wet Hokie's picture Wet Hokie 10/03/2018 164
1259. jzapletal's picture jzapletal 01/04/2011 163
1260. The Transplant Hokie's picture The Transplant Hokie 11/11/2015 163
1261. vtandyp's picture vtandyp 01/23/2013 163
1262. VTBigGuy89's picture VTBigGuy89 10/09/2013 162
1263. StickItIn04's picture StickItIn04 10/13/2016 162
1264. grimdel's picture grimdel 08/06/2018 161
1265. WilkesHokie's picture WilkesHokie 08/30/2014 161
1266. Hokiefreak92's picture Hokiefreak92 12/07/2011 161
1267. Fighting Gobbler Boat Club Alum's picture Fighting Gobbler Boat Club Alum 12/08/2016 160
1268. HokieFisherman's picture HokieFisherman 01/09/2013 158
1269. Magic Rat's picture Magic Rat 09/02/2016 158
1270. jhokies's picture jhokies 09/27/2015 158
1271. vthokie98's picture vthokie98 04/21/2014 158
1272. OkieSkins's picture OkieSkins 01/28/2014 158
1273. HokieStones_of_Steel's picture HokieStones_of_Steel 06/06/2014 157
1274. Easttnhokie's picture Easttnhokie 10/06/2013 157
1275. bristolhokie's picture bristolhokie 02/04/2012 157
1276. cmitch15's picture cmitch15 08/29/2017 157
1277. FlyingGobbler's picture FlyingGobbler 09/15/2013 156
1278. hokieaustin's picture hokieaustin 10/17/2014 156
1279. Hokie_mck's picture Hokie_mck 09/14/2015 155
1280. vtcaceclosed's picture vtcaceclosed 09/15/2011 154
1281. CajunVT's picture CajunVT 02/08/2014 153
1282. dmet's picture dmet 08/22/2011 151
1283. Chugger's picture Chugger 08/16/2014 151
1284. HokieFanatic34's picture HokieFanatic34 08/28/2018 151
1285. SchultzBreakfast10's picture SchultzBreakfast10 02/28/2017 151
1286. namidon's picture namidon 08/03/2019 151
1287. hokie45's picture hokie45 09/14/2016 151
1288. 7ForHeisman's picture 7ForHeisman 03/23/2021 150
1289. Haike's picture Haike 05/02/2015 150
1290. hokiehi's picture hokiehi 10/14/2013 149
1291. Bburg_73's picture Bburg_73 06/22/2015 149
1292. 72Hokiemonster's picture 72Hokiemonster 02/09/2014 147
1293. angus_monroe704's picture angus_monroe704 02/28/2013 147
1294. shorenativeson's picture shorenativeson 02/27/2013 147
1295. scolvin's picture scolvin 09/25/2013 147
1296. m1torder's picture m1torder 09/27/2012 146
1297. Cory Farthing's picture Cory Farthing 12/31/2015 146
1298. Huntinghokie00's picture Huntinghokie00 01/10/2022 146
1299. drippah's picture drippah 12/02/2021 146
1300. OSUguest1's picture OSUguest1 08/04/2015 145
